Friday, September 19, 2008

Class at Shiga University

Thursday I had the first session of my Japanese Economy and Business class at Shiga University. I had been to Shiga U before for field trips and a festival, so I knew my way around the campus and cafeteria. I biked over early with a group of JCMU students to get lunch in the cafeteria, and I had an excellent squash curry. Eating lunch made us late for the class, so I’m going to have to work out something for eating lunch.

The class is about 15 JCMU and 15 Shiga U students. The room was small and hot, but Professor Maeda said we’ll be moved to a bigger room later. Professor Maeda has a master’s degree from Indian University and therefore speaks English well. Unfortunately, few of the Shiga U students seem to have a firm grasp of English. Since we work in groups to give presentations on newspaper articles, I can see the JCMU students doing a lot more work translating for the Shiga U students. Nevertheless, meeting the Japanese kids is a great experience. One of the group members, Shoko, lives at the JCMU and is taking English language classes. The other Japanese student is a kid from Kobe, who makes a 5 hour commute to Hikone. My JCMU partner is my friend Kevin, so that at least will work out fine.

A group of students from Waseda University in Tokyo came out on Tuesday and is staying in Hikone until Saturday. Last night a group of girls came by JCMU and hung out for a while. The program at Waseda is taught in English and all the Japanese students I’ve met are nearly fluent. We’re supposed to hang out with them more tonight, which should be fun. Also, the typhoon heading for Osaka is now going to Tokyo so there shouldn’t be any insane weather this weekend.

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